
Monday, December 20, 2010

Movies 127: Golden Globes Part 1 (Animated Films)

During the holiday season, us contributors could easily write about all the holiday films out. This year, though, there aren't any new ones and frankly, we've all seen the others. Instead, fellow Mix Tape contributor Ivy and I decided to do something else. If there is anything more important than holiday movies during this season, it's award show nominees.

So during this time, we have decided why not review the biggest categories in the biggest awards shows right now (with a splash of movie reviews here and there). To start off the season the right way, we'll start with the rebel award show: The Golden Globes. You'd think it would have the same nominees as the Academy Award usually does...but it doesn't. The Golden Globes always have some oddball in their nominee list, so hopefully we won't sound like a broken record over the next few weeks talking about the same movies over and over again (promise we won't).

So here it goes, nominees for best Animated Picture ARE....:

***Fun Fact: These are all the same best animated picture nominees for the Critic's Choice Awards***

1) Despicable Me (Dreamworks): Let's face it, there is no way this film will win, but it is definitely worth seeing. It has a well-rounded all-star cast (Steve Carell never fails to deliver the laughs) and a heart warming story. The best part of the movie was definitely the youngest girl (who obsesses over unicorns) and the minions (yellow things). There were killer scenes that really showed what animated films could do like a roller coaster scene that made you feel like a part of it. On the grade scale it deserves a B+.

2) How To Train Your Dragon (Dreamworks): Really, this film is really the simple story of a boy and his dog...taken to huge proportions. Really, you've got breathtaking scenes of a dragon's flight and another great cast. The best scene has to be the one depicted in the poster, it will literally plaster a huge smile on your face as you watch it. That and a great score make a great film to sit through. I can't tell you how many times I have watched this movie but it was way more than Toy Story 3. On the grade scale it deserves an A+. This could actually be good competition for the Globes.

3) The Illusionist (--------): Every year there is one small film that makes it to the nominee list, this is that one. French film for adults, old style animation, no way of ever winning this award. I haven't seen it but when I do, you will know if it's good. Sorry folks, but no grade for now.

4) Tangled (Disney): Now we reach one of my favorites. This is one of the only films that made me cry out of happiness and sadness without being emotionally attached because of it's previous films. Absolutely beautiful in 3-D with it's festival scenes and music that sticks with you after, this is a great film. If this doesn't win best animated film, well then the poster should get something for being so dang cute. Being Disney's last fairy tale for the time being, I am happy to say it was so worth the $15 dollars I shelled out to see it. A.

5) Toy Story 3 (Pixar): There's no real use of a review, everyone has seen it and everyone knows it will win. Still, for those who haven't, this is worth seeing too (all are great, hence the nominations). The best part about Toy Story 3 was seeing all the old characters again and seeing some more, the story line was almost a little too trite though. I enjoyed Buzz a lot in this movie and the involvement of some of the other toys. Ken probably supplied the most laughs though. Every scene is a trip down memory lane. A+.

As for who will win here are my picks and why rating from 5 to 1 (one being most likely to win).

5) The Illusionist- small films almost never win this category, especially the foreign ones.
4) Despicable Me- No matter how cute this film was, it just does not shout globe winner at all. It's more of a place holder for a nominee.
3) Tangled- It's the last of the list to come out and with it's other two main competitors, it stands a small chance of winning. There still is some hope though.
2) How to Train Your Dragon- This was a shocker when it came out and got the same appraise as TS3, but it still has a tough chance of winning (explanation in next part). No matter how amazing it was, it's hard to beat Toy Story 3.
1) Toy Story 3- Of course this will win (unless there is some weird miracle that lets an underdog win this year. See the last time a non-Pixar film won best animated film was Happy Feet in 2006 (when it was up against Cars and Monster House). The reason Toy Story 3 will win will be because of it's attachment to fans. It brings back memories of the past two films people loved and cared about. But then again....there is always room for change.

So what do you think?

Hopefully you'll get to see all of these soon because this year is probably the best in a long time when it comes to animation and it's not just because of all this 3-D hype!


  1. I think Megamind deserves a spot on here not Tangled. Hah. I remember when we saw Toy Story, good times...good times...but HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON!!!!

    I love that :-)

  2. I saw Toy Story 3 and cried (don't judge). Anything that makes me cry deserves an award.

  3. TOY STORY 3! That definitely deserves to win. It was pretty much amazing.

  4. How to Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me were THE CUTEST MOVIES EVER.

  5. It would be so hard to choose. Really some wonderful movies. Especially, How to train your dragon and Tangled...& of course Toy Story 3.
