
Monday, October 4, 2010

Movies 116 : The Social Network

Storyline : On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. written by Columbia Pictures.

This is a mezmorizing movie from the very first conversation of the film between Jesse Esienberg (Mark Zuckerberg) and Rooney Mara (Erica AlBright). Yes, it all started because of a girl. Well, sort of. And the fact that Zuckerberg took an idea, that twin jocks (Armie Hammer) wanted him to only use as a Harvard social networking site, that he made bigger and better . Thus, most of the movie is told through Zuckerberg's trials and flashback of how Facebook came to be.

The real Mark, Sean and Eduardo

The movie has some outstanding performances. Especially by, Andrew Garfield as Zuckerberg's best friend (Eduardo). Naturally, Eisenberg is amazing as the genuis geek behind Facebook. And lets not forget Justin Timberlake as the wonderful Napster Sean Parker(referred to in the movie). Some very intense scenes in the movie -  how things multiple so quickly on the internet. Yet there are some beautiful cinematography in the rowing scenes, as well. There is word of an Oscar buzz about this movie.

This seems to be  a movie that a younger generation might appreciate more than an older one. Really, Zuckerberg  ran with an idea. He was unstopable and perhaps still is. 9/10


  1. Another movie that I really want to see! I've heard great reviews about it so far, and plus being one of the internet definitely makes me want to see it more. :D

  2. I saw this yesterday and I 100% agree with this review. I think one of the best parts though about the movie were all those rowing scenes, they were filmed so beautifully. I think this film will be up as a contender for best picture at the Oscars, or is it too soon to say?

  3. really want to see this! it's definitely an our generation movie.

  4. I enjoyed it so much. One of my favorites this year.

  5. I liked this a lot when I saw it this past Saturday! :)

  6. Oh I spend thy hours on thee. Such a good film!
