
Monday, September 6, 2010

Movies 112: Machete

Danny Trejo is Machete

Finally after being the bad guy and sidekick in so many films, Danny Trejo takes the lead in Robert Rodriquez's new film Machete. If you love grindhouse tradition movies this is the movie to see. Its got all the blood and guts from the very first frame. Rodriquez's spins us a tale that's a spinoff from his Planet Terror movie. When I saw the fake trailer for this film at the time, I so hoped they made a movie.

But I will tell you, its definitely got its naked ladies. Yet, most are exposed in a rather real yet graphic novel-like nature. Still some might find that offensive. And for sex scenes...well, nothing too horribly graphic. Of course, it wasn't much of a stretch for Lynsey Lohan in this film. After all, she was the drugged up daughter of the villain.

The story: (according to IMBD) The highly skilled Federale Machete is hired by some unsavory types(Jeff Fahey) to assassinate a senator. But just as he's about to take the shot, he notices someone aiming at him and realizes he's been set up. He barely survives the sniper's bullet, and is soon out for revenge on his former employers, with the reluctant assistance of his old friend Cheech Marin, who has become a priest and taken a vow of nonviolence. If you hire him to take out the bad guys, make sure the bad guys aren't you!

Oh, its twisted. But naturally, Jessica Alba's Sartana figures it out as a special border agent. Really, the movie carries a controversial issue that steams plenty of those here in the states over immigration laws. In the story there is the wicked Senator MacLaughlin played by Robert Dinero, but he might not be that wicked. You've got one bad guy after another in the film. Don Johnson's evil rancher who has his own posse picking off illegal aliens right and left coming across the border. Then there is the even more evil Drug King played by Steve Seagal in Mexico.

There are the good guys. Michelle Rodriguez is more fit than ever as part of the network of SHE helping the migrants in need. And she is one mega-fit heroine of the story. And  Cheech Marin in the priest ready to help out "Machete" any way he can.

Michelle to the left and Daryl to the right taking a break during filming.

I can't help but mention one of Rodriguez's favorites, Daryl Sabara from Spy Kids. He's all grown up. Lean, mean and even a bit of a Kyle Gallner sneer to help him pop those Hispanic roots of his. Rodriguez usually has a few regulars in his movies like Electra and Elise Avellan who are relatives of Rodriquez.

Allevan girls already did a Maxim shoot

The movie is definitely for those who want a popcorn movie. Those who love action pack thrillers with macho lines are in store for something that delievers. This is is definitely no chick flick, but your boyfriend might really have some fun at this one and you might too.

Rated R


  1. I love his movies. I was so glad to see Juni in this film. And yeah, he's got potential to create real drama.

  2. Yes, an action packed flicked. Loved Michelle in this.

  3. I had to see this movie. Michelle Rodriquez was so cool.
