
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Good News 105: It’s Really, Really Hot

If you live on land, you know how amazingly hot it is.

This July the heat has been record-breaking all over the U.S., with highs in the 90°s and the triple digits for most of the month. The first heat wave started around the fourth, around 95°F, and ended at the seventh around 102°F. For most of the month it’s been around or above 90°, peaking around 103° on the sixth, 96° on the fourth, and 95° on the sixteenth. High temperatures haven’t dropped below 80° all month in most of the country. The heat wave’s predicted to last well into August.

So what’s the good news? It may be ridiculously hot, but it’s also perfect beach weather, with the temperature near the shore brought down to between 70° and 80° by the sea breeze. You can strap on a bikini (or swimming trunks) and spend the day tanning in perfect comfort. It’s also a great time to spend the day with your family—inside, in the air conditioning, marveling at the obscene heat while playing a board game and sipping the coldest drink you can find. You could spend all day at the pool with your friends, or have a summer barbecue, or simply sit inside and not do yard work. It’s also a great opportunity to see if you really can fry an egg on the sidewalk.

So here’s an idea—instead of complaining about the heat, embrace it! There are still plenty of things you can do even when it’s mind-numbingly hot. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!


  1. i remember one summer i was riding my bike home from campus in 112 degree weather, with jeans and no wind. oh, blistering. it's not so bad right now. hahaha.

  2. Oh my gosh, it was like 100 degrees here yesterday. It was absolutely the most terrible thing ever. Actually not really, but it felt like it coming from 50 degrees in Sydney to double that :P But you're right, it's great swimming weather!

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  5. I didn't realize it was the whole country that was under this horrible heat. But yes, it tis perfect beach weather.
